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Ms. Shannon's Journey


The Best Version of Me

As some of you know and some of you don’t know … my world turned upside down in 2009. After being verbally and emotionally abused for years, the abuse turned physical. While my marriage and life that I had portrayed to be picture perfect started to fall apart, I lost my mother and then my dad. I tried several times to start the next chapter of my life but sadness and stress kept me down. I even relocated myself in an attempt to distance myself from the negativity that kept me stuck. This change brought its own set of challenges and struggles.

In 2014, I started my journey to live a healthier lifestyle, eating better, working out / being active and using Plexus products. In 2015, I started my own health and wellness business with Plexus.

I knew little about either, but I knew it was something I wanted to do, because when I first started, I looked to others for idea, for tips, for ways to be successful, basically ways to copycat. I never once said “Hey Shannon, how could you make this business your own?,” all I was focused on, was what others were doing and what I could do to be just like them.

I suffered from this thing called “comparison hangover.” I kept comparing myself, my business and my success to what others who I perceived as successful were doing, so I must have to do that too! They’re making X amount of money, so I’ve got to, they have X amount of likes on their Facebook page, I needed that too! And if I wasn’t doing what they were doing / having what they were having, then was I failing?

Wait … what? WHY?

Why did I think that? How about, I feel fantastic about my body. How about the fact that I have more energy, self-confidence and am healthier than ever before. How about all of new amazing relationships that have come into my life since I started? Why didn’t I consider that success as enough? Happiness is a mood, not a destination. You must be happy with what you have while working for what you want otherwise you’ll spend the rest of your life chasing happiness and never ever get there. Our goals are ever changing and constantly expanding. Don’t wait until you “achieve” happy, you can be happy right now. You just have to make that choice.

Why did I think that copying what someone else was doing would make ME successful? Isn’t the highest form of success being authentically YOU? I spent so much of my time trying to implement the perfect schedules and systems of others, that I didn’t have any time left over to come up with anything original on my own. Something no one’s done before, something to bring me closer to MY dream, not their dreams.

What about MY dream? Did I even have my own dream? Or did I just want what they had? Was I spending my life dreaming to be “just like them?” That’s no fun. I don’t want what anyone else has, I want what I want, I want to do what I love and those are the things I want to share with the world. I want to share my opinions, I want to share my journey, I don’t want spend my life following and trying to keep up with someone else.

That is not what I am. I am whatever I choose to be in this moment. I am infinite. I can and am a great role model for starting over and getting healthier, I can also write a book, I can also travel the world and host motivational seminars, I can come up with my own workout program, I can literally do anything. Don’t suppress your infinite creativity, because you think you’ve already got your life figured out. Life is ever changing, and that’s a beautiful thing. Open yourself up to the possibilities, they’re seriously endless.

Isn’t it funny that when you stop trying to get others to like you and you focus on liking yourself, others are drawn to you effortlessly vs. trying so hard to get people to like you, and they never do. I like the personal development I’ve exposed myself to, I actually am interested in helping people transform their lives and I believe it can be done through this avenue.

I’m excited for this transformation in my life because I want to do it and it's fun. Working out makes me happy and Plexus products have truly helped me become the healthiest I’ve been ever! I’m also going to try and write a book. I’m also going to work on putting together motivational seminars (whether they be online or in person, who knows!) I’m just going to start doing things that make me happy and I’m going stop doing things that don’t. I’m literally just going to start being authentically me and for the first time in my entire life, I’m totally okay if you don’t like what I come up with!

My entire life, I’ve wanted to “fit in”. I always wanted to be pretty “like her”, popular “like her”, as smart “as her”. Literally, this is the first time I’ve just want to just be me. I want to just start living in the moment. I’m going to start living my life with a “how can I” attitude, vs. a “I can’t because”.


I’ve been working towards teaching myself the things as I move forward with what I like being and doing; from taking classes (online courses) focusing on Personal Nutrition, Diet and Weight Loss Management, Sports Nutrition and Advanced Nutrition. I’ve bought several inspirational and motivational books to help in my research to find my own voice and I attended an a seminar “Evolving Out Loud” in April 2016 to participate in 16 hours of completely UNPLANNED, UNSCRIPTED content?! WTF?! I had no idea and he had no idea until it actually came out of his mouth! It blows my mind that after taking this LEAP, I feel more aligned with myself than ever before. I am a HUGE planner but to get what I want out of life I just need to start living it!


I love sharing my life via social media and I’m going to continue to share without hesitation or worrying about what you or others think! I’m not going to do it to make you like me or to “get likes” or “followers;” I’m going to do it because: It makes me feel good. When I unload all the stuff that’s going on in my head, I feel amazing, and I feel so “ME”. It’s a great feeling being connected to myself, I want to continue doing it and I know everything I know now because someone else shared their story with me. Someone else who was not afraid to be their true self showed me how possible it was to be MYSELF. I want to share the cool stuff I learn with you, so that if you want to, you can try it too and hopefully it makes you feel just as good about yourself as I feel about ME!

So when I share Plexus products, results, my workouts, hikes and how amazing I feel about myself and I share all the personal development books I am reading, videos I watch, and seminars I’m going to go to, and the ones I develop of my own. I’m just sharing what I’M doing to become the best version of me. I’m showing what’s in alignment with MY TRUE SELF. It’s to show you that if you want to be limitless, if you want to escape mediocrity, you can, all you have to do is get to know yourself.

Watch out! You’re about to witness me explode into something wonderful! I’m not quite sure what that is, because I’m going to leave my mind open to limitless possibilities but I do know that it’s going to be wonderful!

Follow my journey on Facebook

**Repost/Originally written November 2015**

Updated/Edited December 2020

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